All-on-X Dental Implants – Rio Rancho, NM

Fast & Sturdy Tooth Replacement

Portrait of handsome senior man with nice teeth

The purpose of dental implants is to replace the roots of lost teeth and provide a strong foundation for prosthetic teeth. Does that mean, then, that you need an implant to replace each missing tooth? Not necessarily. In fact, with the remarkable All-on-X treatment, it may take as few as 4 – 6 implants to support an entire denture. Plus, a large portion of the treatment can be completed in a single day! Would you like to learn more about this fast and sturdy form of tooth replacement? Continue reading below, and then contact our Rio Rancho team to request an appointment.

How Do All-on-X Dental Implants Work?

Illustration showing placement of dental implants for All-on-4 treatment

“All-on-X” is a general term that applies to both the popular All-on-4 treatment as well as All-on-6 treatment. However you refer to the procedure, the basic principles remain the same. Usually during just one surgical appointment, we remove your remaining natural teeth, place dental implants in your jawbone, and provide a provisional (temporary) denture to go on top of them. All-on-X stands out from other dental implant treatments because it involves placing the implants in locations at the back and front of the mouth, where the bone is naturally strong and thick. This often eliminates the need for a bone graft and allows the implants to support a prosthesis right away.

Am I a Candidate for All-on-X Dental Implants?

Dentist taking notes during senior patient’s consultation

You might be a candidate for All-on-X if:

  • You have lost all or most of your teeth throughout one of your dental arches.
  • Your jawbone is healthy enough and large enough to support dental implants. (Most patients meet this criterion even without a bone graft.)
  • You have good habits that will support the long-term success of your implants.
  • You are well enough to undergo minor surgery.
  • You are free of active gum disease and other oral health conditions that might adversely affect your implants.

If you are unsure of whether you qualify for All-on-X treatment, talk to our dental team. Most patients can get this procedure, whether it is right away or after some preliminary care.

Benefits of All-on-X Dental Implants

Smiling older woman holding a plate of salad

All-on-X treatment offers some outstanding benefits:

  • You can enjoy a strong bite force that enables you to eat virtually any food.
  • Dental implants have the potential to last for decades — they may even endure for the rest of your life!
  • Dental implant restorations, including All-on-X dentures, are always designed to look and feel as natural as possible.
  • Because dental implants stimulate the jawbone, they can prevent it from shrinking and deteriorating over time.
  • A full set of teeth may help you to look and feel younger!

All-on-X vs. Traditional Dental Implants

Two dental implants with crowns against white background

Usually, All-on-X treatment is faster than traditional implant procedures. Not only does it allow patients to receive a temporary set of teeth on the same day as their implant placement surgery, but it also usually requires just one surgical procedure instead of two or more. This streamlined approach may help you save time and money.

Of course, traditional dental implant treatments also have their advantages. For example, they may involve the use of more implants, which can lead to greater stability. During your consultation, we can help you decide which approach is best for your unique circumstances.