Southwest Dental Blog

Enjoying the Holidays While Recovering from Oral Surgery

December 1, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — swestdental @ 7:52 pm
patient relaxing during the holidays in Rio Rancho

Now that the holiday season is in full swing, you’re probably gearing up for all sorts of festivities and fun plans. But if you’ve recently undergone oral surgery in Rio Rancho, you might be worried that your holiday schedule is in jeopardy due to your recovery. Fortunately, this isn’t the case at all. Here are some tips from your dentist to help you enjoy your holidays while you’re healing up from oral surgery.


Top 5 Qualities That Make a Good Dental Implant Candidate

November 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — swestdental @ 9:30 pm
a smiling dental implant candidate in Rio Rancho

Having one or more missing teeth can make daily oral habits difficult to practice, such as eating, talking, and smiling. If you’re considering getting a tooth replacement, then dental implants will provide the most comprehensive solution. Even though you can be sure to enjoy multiple benefits from these titanium posts, you’ll first need to be eligible to undergo the procedure. Read on to learn five qualities that can make you an ideal dental implant candidate!

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