Can You Get a Cavity While Wearing Invisalign?

June 27, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — swestdental @ 8:35 pm
Woman putting an Invisalign aligner in her mouth

With Invisalign, you can straighten your crooked teeth and correct other orthodontic issues without having to worry about unsightly brackets and wires. But what does the treatment mean for your oral health? Do you still have to watch out for cavities while wearing Invisalign? And if so, what can you do to reduce the risk of them forming? Here’s what your dentist has to say.

Is It Still Possible for a Cavity to Develop During Invisalign Treatment?

The simple truth of the matter is that you can indeed get a cavity while wearing Invisalign. This may seem slightly odd considering that Invisalign completely covers your teeth, but remember: you will need to take your aligners out whenever you eat. As such, your enamel will still be exposed to the food particles and bacteria that can lead to decay. Furthermore, if you don’t practice good oral hygiene, the aligners could trap food against your teeth, which could have serious consequences for your smile in the long run.

How Can You Avoid Cavities While Wearing Invisalign?

Fortunately, tooth decay is a problem that can be avoided simply by taking proper care of your grin. Here are a few tips for minimizing your risk for cavities during your Invisalign treatment:

  • Brush and Floss Frequently: You need to make sure that your smile is as clean as possible before you put your Invisalign aligner back in your mouth. As such, you should make a point of brushing and flossing thoroughly whenever you finish eating in order to get rid of any lingering bits of food.
  • Stay Away From Sugary and Acidic Foods: While Invisalign grants you the freedom to eat whatever you want, it’s best to limit your intake of sugary and acidic foods if you’re trying to avoid tooth decay.
  • Keep Your Aligners Clean: Oral bacteria can build up on your aligners over time. It’s therefore recommended that you brush your aligners regularly. You can also soak them in a special cleaning solution every few days.
  • Continue Visiting Your Dentist: You should always make room in your schedule for dental checkups and cleanings. This gives your dentist a chance to check for any problems that might be developing and intervene if necessary.

The idea of developing a cavity while wearing Invisalign can be concerning, but you can often avoid problems simply by being proactive about taking care of your smile. Do whatever you can to keep your teeth healthy and safe while you’re having them straightened.

About the Author

Dr. Hamid Ranjbaran (or Dr. R for short) is a graduate of Baylor College of Dentistry and has completed a one-year Advanced Education in General Dentistry residency at the University of New Mexico. He is certified in Invisalign, and he is proud to be able to help his patients achieve straighter smiles. To schedule a consultation with Dr. R at Southwest Dental in Rio Rancho, visit his website or call (505) 896-9399.

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