Have you ever wondered why your teeth appear to be small? When looking at pictures of others, you may long for a more uniform, beautiful, and eye-catching smile. Treating stains, chips, and other imperfections might seem easy, but is making teeth longer even possible? If you are seeking an answer to the question, “How can I fix my small teeth,” you’ve come to the right place. Here, a local dentist explains how cosmetic dental services can give you the smile of your dreams.
What Causes Teeth to Appear Small?
You may worry that it is your fault that your teeth are small or “stubby.” However, it is not. In fact, microdontia, as it is clinically referred to, is known to be hereditary, which means that if your mother or father has small teeth, you will as well, most likely.
It is also possible that it is a genetic disorder that occurs when a cleft palate forms during development, or bruxism, which is the grinding and clenching of teeth that can occur in both children and adults.
Are There Ways to Enlarge Small Teeth?
The good news is that you do not have to continue to live with a smile you’re unhappy with. Instead, a trusted cosmetic dentist can recommend one or more services that are designed to enlarge your teeth, allowing them to appear more uniform and aesthetically pleasing.
Some of the options you may be able to choose from include:
- Veneers – These are thin sheath coverings that fit over the front surfaces of teeth and can be crafted to the size, shape, and color of your choosing. They often require at least two appointments to ensure a successful process and can last 10+ years.
- Cosmetic Dental Bonding – Using composite resin, which is biocompatible and highly flexible, your dentist can apply it to the enamel and shape it so that your teeth appear longer than they are. A curing light hardens the resin so that it remains firmly in place.
- Gum Recontouring – When it appears that you have a “gummy smile,” we can remove excess tissue from around your teeth so more of the natural structures are exposed. This allows you to enjoy a more uniform smile with pearly whites that appear longer.
When meeting with your cosmetic dentist to discuss your options, you can expect that they will go over your oral and overall health history to determine if one service might be better than another. No matter which one you choose, though, you can expect to walk away with an enhanced and more visually appealing smile than before.
About the Author
Dr. Hamid Ranjbaran or “Dr. R” as he is known by his patients enjoys hearing from his patients and learning how he can help them achieve their dream smiles. When an individual arrives with teeth that are not up to par with what they envision, he and his team at Southwest Dental can deliver cosmetic dental treatments that will address the problem. With veneers, gum recontouring, and cosmetic dental bonding designed to transform appearances, patients with “short teeth” can enjoy a newer, more vibrant look with added confidence. If you want to do something about your “gummy smile,” contact us at (505) 896-9399.